Diplomatist Magazine Oman 2018 - Special Report | Page 30

also been successfully introduced. With this, we have moved towards a modern tax regime which is transparent, stable and predictable. Since big reforms such as demonetisation, GST and the Banking and Insolvency Act were introduced after the coverage period for Doing Business Report 2018, their impact will be felt in the 2019 report.India is now all geared up to be counted among the top 50 of the World Bank’s Doing Business rankings before 2022. To attain this goal, the Indian Government now plans to introduce vital reforms to land ownership, labour laws, and the judicial process. In fact, India has already initiated many steps in this direction. With e-governance, a single window concept can be introduced where companies can fi le their application online for permission to acquire land, register property, get a construction clearance, etc. This will go a long way in improving the business climate.Another step in the right direction is that the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) has already begun undertaking its own much wider evaluation across all the major Indian cities. The idea is to calculate the economic progress 30 • INDIA-OMAN • 2018 Oman can benefi t tremendously with the business opportunities available in India, given the size and scale of our potentials and the skilled hands that India offers. divide between more progressive cities (like Delhi and Mumbai) and the less progressive ones (like Aligarh and Meerut) and plan steps to bridge this gap. India is moving up fast in other related global indexes also. In the last three years, India has moved up 31 places in the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum. In the Global Innovation Index of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), India has climbed 21 places in the last two years. Similarly, India moved up 19 places on the Logistics Performance Index of 2016 released by the World Bank. India: