Diplomatist Magazine Diplomatist October 2019 | Page 9

SPECIAL REPORT The most interesting areas for future cooperation can be high technologies and infrastructure development. According to Andrey Terebenin, Head of Asian Venture Capital Fund AFK Sistema, Managing Partner of Sistema Asia Fund, who has an experience of making business in India, this country is a gold mine for Russian investors. The latter can suff er a kind of discrimination if they choose to work in Europe, where local companies are very cautious when dealing with Russians because of already existing or expected sanctions. This is not the case in India. However, Russian business people face a challenge of adaptation to a local business culture that has its peculiar features. India-Russia cooperation has the potential for growth. The political will of governments of both countries, prospects of their economic development, mutual interest of business circles will facilitate its development despite current problems and challenges. Broadening people-to-people contacts, improving knowledge of both societies about each other is very important as well if India-Russia special and privileged partnership is to live up to the expectations of its architects.  References: [1] Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Republic of India and the Russian Federation. URL:\\ https://mea.gov.in/Images/ pdf/DeclerationStrategicPartnership.pdf [2] Joint Statement: Celebrating a Decade of the India – Russian Federation Strategic Partnership and Looking Ahead. URL:\\ https://mea.gov.in/bilateral-documents. htm?dtl/5118/Joint+Statement+Celebrating +a+Decade+of+the+India+Russian+Fede ration+Strategic+Partnership+and+Lookin g+Ahead [3] Oreshkin: Soglasheniye mezhdy EAES I Indiey mozhet byt` podpisano v 2019-2020 godah URL:\\ https://tass.ru/ ekonomika/5834298 [4] Mumbai Hosts Eastern Economic Forum Field Session URL:\\ https://forumvostok.ru/ en/news/v-mumbai-proshla-vyezdnaja-sessija- vostochnogo-ekonomicheskogo-foruma/ [5] Assistance to investors in the implementation of the projects in Russian Far East URL:\\ https://www.investvostok.ru/en/ [6] India-Russia Joint Statement during Visit of President of Russia to India. (October 05, 2018) URL:\\ https://mea.gov.in/bilateral- documents.htm?dtl/30469/IndiaRussia_Joint_ Statement_during_visit_of_President_of_ Russia_to_India_October_05_2018 [7] Chereshnev M. Ekspansiya na sever: kak Indiya zavoyovyvayet Rossiyu URL:\\ https:// www.forbes.ru/biznes/374323-ekspansiya-na- sever-kak-indiya-zavoevyvaet-rossiyu [8] The World Bank in India. Overview URL:\\ https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/ india/overview [9] URL:// https://www.reuters.com/ article/us-novatek-india/russias-novatek- wants-to-sell-lng-from-arctic-lng-2-to-india- idUSKCN1V20UT [ 1 0 ] h t t p s : / / w w w. ro s a t o m . r u / e n / press-centre/news/russia-and-india-ink- cooperation-pact-to-implement-new-nuclear- projects-/ [11] Terebenin A. Indiya – zolotaya zhila dlia rossiyskih investorov URL:\\ https://snob. ru/profi le/32155/blog/157452/ * Author is Associate professor, St. Petersburg University, Russia Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 10 • October 2019, Noida • 9