Diplomatist Magazine Diplomatist October 2019 | Page 3
Publisher’s Note
Celebrating Diplomatist’s 23rd Anniversary
Yes, you read that headline correctly: Diplomatist turns 23 this October. That’s almost
a quarter of a century, folks.
Since its introduction in 1996, Diplomatist has been well-known for serious discussion
of foremost geopolitical issues in the world today. It features insightful analysis on the
international order, economics, political ideologies and more from renowned experts and
thought leaders in their respective fi elds. Diplomatist reaches a prominent audience of
observers, policymakers, and academics with its in-depth treatment of regional issues.
Every magazine, as much as it looks like a fi nished product when it is published, is
actually a living creature. Every day we keep our eyes and ears to the world, we look at trends
and developments. We commit to quality analysis and commentary on events occurring in
India and around the world. Now, for a moment, imagine having done that for the past 23
years. Every single day for almost 8,000 days.
On the one hand, it feels like I have been doing this for a lifetime, while on the other,
I fi nd myself wondering “Where did the years go?” It’s been an extraordinary journey of
excitement, highs and lows, long workdays and sleepless nights, but I wouldn’t trade it
for any other.
It takes perseverance and fl exibility, of course. But most importantly, it takes teamwork.
Here, I would like to thank all the authors, reporters, editors, art directors and other
professionals who have worked for this magazine.
Today, we salute all of them and their eff orts and hard work. If it weren’t for all of them,
we wouldn’t celebrate today. Their contribution has been, still is and defi nitely will be
fundamental to everything that makes Diplomatist a vivacious reality and a monthly event.
There is so much more to come. We want to be everywhere you are, and with our
expanded off erings in the digital space, we are soon going to have a new Website. With
our social networking platforms, videos, mailer’s and more ¬-- we are and will continue
to provide more ways than ever before for you to connect with Diplomatist.
Today, I toast for our collective well-being – here’s to many more years of reporting
on diplomacy together!
Linda Brady Hawke
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 10 • October 2019, Noida • 3