Diplomatist Magazine Diplomatist March 2019 | Page 3
Publisher’s Note
If you are connected with Africa or share a mutual interest in their well-being, this is an important time for
you. Multiple elections are about to take place in Africa and one couldn’t be happier. All these elections are
taking place in diff erent backdrops, but have one thing in common – THE WILLINGNESS AND KEENNESS
to wish the African people all the best as they go ahead and frame their own destiny.
Venezuela is important for India. As a country possessing world’s largest oil reserves, it can go a long
way in meeting India’s oil demands. Given the IRAN sanctions, India’s trade with Venezuela has increased
manifold with oil being the single largest component with a highly signifi cant margin. But should India play a
proactive role in the ongoing Venezuelan crisis? The question is of intent and desire. Some would say that as
a prominent world player, India has a moral duty to ensure global order. Others will remark that this is a very
serious issue and requires much requires deeper and larger deliberations.
UK by choosing BREXIT decided to reverse the process of globalization. While the world is aiming and
wishing to be more open, Britain decided to move away from Europe. The decision is rooted in cultural and
social norms. On a reciprocal basis, both Europe and UK ignore each other historically and culturally. While
The British Raj echoes regally in the minds of the average Brit, Europe just does not consider it as a part of
its glorious history. One can only hope that the human race rises above these diff erences and lays roots for a
future which our future generations will be grateful to inherit!
Australia is a part of the consciousness of a vast majority of Indians. Thanks to cricket, there is a massive
engagement with Australia. A large number of Indians are also choosing Australia for their higher studies.
Australian’s attitude and chilled-out character also make them very endearing to the Indian public. FOSTERS
is as much a part of Indian folklore as SCOTCH. Australian beaches, among other places are a hot tourist
US – North Korea talks are an important milestone. For starters, it’s a great relief that they are talking and
not launching nuclear missiles at each other. It is to Trump’s credit that such talks are actually taking place.
Whatever the fi nal outcome may be, President Trump needs to be applauded for this initiative. We all know
Donald Trump is diff erent and is unique. He is a maverick. It’s the rise of the OTHER – the one who is apart,
diff erent from everyone else. We would love to explore his personality and demeanor in detail in a later issue.
Let’s see!
We welcome you to dive into this latest issue of Diplomatist! Happy reading and wish you a happy and
colourful Holi.
Linda Brady Hawke
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 3 • March 2019, Noida • 3