PHDCCI Leadership along with Ambassadors and High Commissioners at the Ambassadors’ Meet
HD Chamber organized the 35th
edition of Ambassadors’ Meet,
fl agship event of the Chamber on
April 24, 2019 at the Taj Palace Hotel,
New Delhi.
Around 150 diplomats including
Ambassadors/High Commissioners
and other Diplomats representing
around 75 countries of Afghanistan,
Angola, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh,
Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Brazil,
Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada,
Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech
Republic, Democratic Republic of
the Congo, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt,
EI Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, EU,
France, Gambia, Greece, Guinea,
Guyana, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia,
Lao PDR, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco,
Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Niger,
Nigeria, Norway, Palestine, Panama,
Papua New Guinea, Romania, Russia,
Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Slovak
Republic, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka,
Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago,
Turkmenistan, Uganda, UK, USA,
Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia
and Zimbabwe graced the occasion.
More than 175 members of the
Chamber along with their spouses, as
well as state and central government
offi cials from various ministries made
most of this opportunity to interact with
the diplomatic community.
Mr. Rajeev Talwar, President, PHD
Chamber welcomed all the dignitaries,
ambassadors, high commissioners,
other diplomats and participants
and expressed his gratitude to them
for joining the event. He said that
the Ambassadors’ Meet has become
the hallmark of good economic,
social and cultural relations with
all the Foreign Missions in India.
Mr. Talwar said that PHDCCI has
34 • Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 4 • April-May 2019, Noida
initiated several trade and investment
promotion activities since the last
many years and provided handholding
to global investors to invest in India’s
various promising sectors across
the States. A dedicated trade and
investment promotion portal, ‘Trade
and Investment Facilitation Services’
provides a one-stop single window
information to trade and industry
stakeholders across the economies
with the objective of making India
a USD 100 billion FDI destination
by 2022. PHDCCI is promoting
bilateral trade and investment fl ows
across the regions and nations by
organizing various exhibitions, Buyer
Seller Meets and Road shows through
India’s missions abroad. He said that
going ahead, India with its fastest
speed of economic growth is expected
to increase the flows of trade and
investments manifold.