Dinosauria 1 | Page 24

Old World Monkeys in Asia and Africa had a wider diet and had to spend more time on the ground rather than in the trees.

A whole new period started, the Neogene, with the Miocene epoch where continents were on the move, mountains were being formed and mammals that couldn't adapt to the new cool world of grasslands

disappeared. Meanwhile, the Old World Monkeys began to shift apart giving birth to the clade of the apes that also in the following thousands of years was also shifting apart into different groups. Australopithecus, the closest known relative of humans, roamed the earth and were believed to have been able to be omnivores which made them be

them be able to digest both grass and meat giving them a massive advantage alongside their improving ability to run and hunt, and that was 4 million years ago. The Neogene period was coming to an end in its last few hundred thousand years when the genus Homo appeared.

Following the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era, came the Quaternary era: a world we can recognise: Hominids, mammoths and the sabertooth to Homo sapiens, elephants, and tigers.



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