Dinky Dog Mag Winter 2020/21 | Page 7


that ’ s just you . Your dog is having the sniff experience of a lifetime with all their new discoveries .
Walking your dog on a regular basis provides them with a fundamental foundation for both their physical and mental health . Your dog wants to know the world , so why not make that world more varied and larger ? Your dog is dependent on you to take them out to explore the sights , smells , and sounds of the world around them . This is why it ’ s beneficial to both you and your dog to vary the walks as much as possible . Noticed how interested and nosey your dog becomes when he or she is walking , and new routes allow them to discover so much more !
A dog that has been stimulated from exercise and new discoveries is also a better behaved dog and like us will sleep better .
As a result you will also get to know just exactly what interests your dog and what doesn ’ t . Some dogs love the smellathon that can be an urban walk as they gain knowledge about other dogs and can become equally as bored with country walks that don ’ t offer the same variety of smells and odours . Then there are other dogs that adore being off-lead , whilst running freely through the scenery , dogs are like us , they ’ re different !
New walks will also introduce your dog to new friends and helping their confidence with meeting other dogs and guess what ? It can also help you build new friendships as well . These matters do come with caveats though such as unacceptable behaviour from other dogs ( and owners ) but these are the chances we take through life and though I have run into the occasional problem – the benefits significantly outweigh the negatives . best be prepared and take a loud whistle and a water spray to separate dogs that take socialisation too far !
Differing scenery also needs changing behaviour on our part . There are times on a new route when it is wise to keep your dog leashed , particularly in open fields that may contain unseen livestock , etc . My own dogs never stray more than a few feet but if looking after other people ’ s dogs I use a retractable lead for rural locations and fixed leashes for urban walks . It ’ s whatever your
Issue 1 : Winter 2020 / 21