dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 91

deprived of such a fundamental need as health care, they are tired of not being able to afford a home or educate their children, they are tired of their children dying on the streets and in schools because of the ready availability automatic weapon, they are tired of hearing climate change is a hoax when personal experience suggests otherwise, and they are tired of hearing about tax breaks for the rich when all they want is a good paying job that will provide for their families. Damn the grievances, blaming, and name-calling. People want answers, and the candidate who digs deep and details reasonable responses that resonant with these people’s feelings and experience will

get their vote. This would resonate with the middle class, and quite possibly resonate with those who have an interest in an expanded middle class. Harris has the advantage over Trump in this regard.

Harris can also use Biden to introduce newer, commonsensical ideas that can resonate with the public, allowing him to put forward ideas that have no chance of passing in his current term but could have a shot if down ballot support shifted and allowed Democrats to control both the House and Senate. First among these is Biden suggestion for U.S. Supreme Court Reform. These middle of the


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