dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 86

that resonated strongly with the audience and may become a campaign staple. The reason: because in that simple statement, Harris was able to return to the narrative of America’s promise. She effectively flipped Trump’s

narrative of making America great again (MAGA) on its head, by reclaiming the promise of America through advances that had been made but were then taken away by Trump and his policies through decisions of a packed Supreme Court who continue to remain out of touch with the times. It is an approach that can be effectively applied in almost all issues of critical importance to Americans – abortion, gun control, civil rights, more equitable tax structures, the economy, inflation, and climate change.

Harris needs to push on this positive rhetoric about the Founder’s intention and the costs made to realize gains made over time. She is again in a stronger position to make that case than Biden, being a person of mixed race who has realized incredible success not only across her career as the attorney general for the State of California but by being the first woman of mixed race to be nominated for the presidency of either party. She can speak personally to the sacrifices made by others, as well as the challenges she confronted and overcame. Her narrative, her story line, remove the abstract nature of stories about others. She grounds the story of civil rights, of women’s rights, of immigrant contributions, of personal advancement and acceptance and success in her own experience – and thereby makes the tie between past, present, and future both real and accessible.

But Harris also needs to move beyond rhetoric to demonstrate a mastery of detail. This will further differentiate herself from Trump in the eyes of the electorate. Speaking about abortion, gun control, civil rights, more equitable tax

structures, the economy, inflation, and climate change in detail is something Trump would be unable to do – leaving him looking like he is uninformed and out of touch. Moreover, it will force him not only to double-down on the rhetoric that appeals to his MAGA base but increasingly turn to name calling and other bullying tactics. Doing so will further alienate him with younger voters or independents. They will see him as crazy person who is exploiting the difficulties and grievances of others. As Harris is purposely targeting these voters, hoping to bring them under the Democratic tent, she would be wise to push on details in response to Trump’s outlandish claims. It is something she should be good at, being a prosecutor by training.

Prosecute the Case Against Trump

More than anything, Harris needs to prosecute the case against Trump. This involves continually reiterating facts concerning his past business practices and the number of cases in which he has been convicted, as well as the actual claims he has made about what he would do if reelected.

To the point of continually reiterating facts concerning his past business practices and the number of cases in which he has been convicted, Harris needs to point out Trump’s record again and again. There is a lot of

Harris needs to continually reiterating facts concerning Trump's past business practices and the number of cases in which he has been convicted, as well as the actual claims he has made about what he would do if reelected.