dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 64


Catholic Church Releases Document on Human Dignity

"Dignitas Infinita: on Human Dignity"

The Vatican issued a new treatise on human dignity, titled "Dignitas Infinita: on Human Dignity".

The treatise argues sex change operations, gender theory and surrogate motherhood pose grave threats to human dignity. As such, it argues against the creation of any new rights motiate by sex and gender. "The new document, however, seeks to elevate a number of social themes emphasized by Pope Francis during his decadelong papacy — such as poverty, migration and human trafficking — as being equally a part of the full panoply of potential threats to human dignity as bioethical concerns, such as abortion and euthanasia." Among the newly identified threats to human dignity are poverty; war; the travail of migrants; human trafficking; sexual abuse; violence against women; abortion; child surrogacy; euthanasia and assisted suicide; the marginalization of people with disabilities; gender theory; sex change; and digital violence. "While allowing for the possibility of medical assistance to resolve genital abnormalities, the document declares that 'any sex-change intervention, as a rule, risks threatening the unique dignity the person has received from the moment of conception.'" Catholic LGBTQ groups and other secular representatives immediately criticized the new Vatican document.

Source: White, Christopher. "Vatican condemns surrogacy, gender-affirming surgery, gender theory in new doctrinal note", The Guardian, 8 April 2024. Retrieved from: https://www.ncronline.org/vatican/vatican-news/vatican-human-dignity-document-condemns-sex-change-gender-theory-and-surrogacy

Italy has right to seize an ancient Greek statue from Getty Trust

The European Court of Human Rights found that the con­fis­ca­tion order for the statute was “pro­por­tion­ate” to the aim of restor­ing an item that was “part of Italy’s cul­tural her­it­age.” The stature is the “Vic­tori­ous Youth” held by the Getty Villa Museum in Malibu, California. The statute is one of the world’s few sur­viv­ing life-size Greek bronzes,

Source: Kazmin, Amy. "Rome’s right to seize Greek statue from Getty museum upheld," Financial Times, 3 May 2024. Retrieved from: https://ft.pressreader.com/v99c/20240503/281599540575885