dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 53

continues to propose moves against long-held societal norms buttressed by a feckless Congress who has bought into the cult of Trump and Supreme Court members who have lost their moorings. He also has many former staffers placed within bureaucracy, who know

well how to use policies, practices, and procedures to support Trump both now and

should he be elected.

Of equal concern are reports linking Trump to the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025.” Project 2025 is a 900-page document, produced by former members of Trump’s cabinet and multiple sycophants, which lists several direct actions that should be undertaken in Trump’s second term. These include replacing federal civil servant jobs with political appointees, dismantling parts of the federal government (including eliminating he Department of Education), expanding executive power, and cracking down on abortion rights.

Trump has denied being linked to the Project 2025 report or its supporters, and surrogates

like Marco Rubio dismiss it simply as one of many radical proposals that “think tanks” produce now and again, few of which ever see the light of day. But, as was said, a review of people associated with Project 2025 reveal numerous members of Trump’s former cabinet and staff, including Ben Carson (Secretary of

Housing and Urban Development), Ken Cuccinelli (Deputy Secretary of Homeland

Security) and Stephen Miller (senior advisor for

policy and White House director of speechwriting). And , now, vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance has been shown to have knowledge and ties to the project.

An investigative report conducted by CNN

additionally found “at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025 … including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the

project's extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.”4 Even taking him at his word that he is not aware of this project, he has not once denounced the project after the press brought information about the project to his attention. Consequently, rest assured Trump is aware and supportive of this initiative – if for no other reason than he has not denounced such.

The Supremes

Judges of the highest court in the land are like other people: they hold personal political beliefs and positions. However, as Supreme Court justices they are to put aside their personal beliefs and positions to rule objectively on cases that come before the court. There have, of course, been instances across history where justices have taken positions along what have been perceived by the public as ideological

beliefs. However, never has the Court so abused its powers as it has in the last few years.

Justices appointed by Republican presidents have testified under oath in congressional

meetings that if a previous court has ruled on the same or a closely related issue, then the court will make their decision in alignment with the previous court decision. The principle of stare decisis is really a check against a radicalized court, which in recent years democratic leaders needed to have affirmed by nominees to assure

confirmation hearings before congressional committee members that they would act by the

principle of stare decisis, which in Latin means “to stand by things decided.” This effectively

Trump is undoubtably an existential threat to the American Republic. He is nothing less than a narcissist and quite possibly more: a deceitful and solipsistic individual who places not only democratic institutions at risk but the very lives of Americans themselves.