dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 30

Sugget Spring

The walk to Sugget Spring was pretty much a lateral walk, allowing us a space within which to contemplate what we had seen and reorient our sense of self. A small building, set in the ground, its interior was defined through the spring water that poured in and through it.

Here the water entered the room through five portals on the far stone wall, where dripping water left remnants of iron stain on the wall and floor. Looking more closely, it was as if images of roman figures, Centurions, stood before us, acknowledging those who came to the land for the ore and who continue to stand ground in protection of the red stained land were people, some of whom may be their descendants, continue to live. It is as though here, where time is marked by the flow of water, that only myth differentiates the realities experienced between the past and the present.

One wanted to reach down to run your fingers through red slip on the floor, to be able to mark lines across your forehead in acknowledgement of the ancestors.