dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 24

Red House

So, we started down the mountain and moors to the valley below, crossing and following a stream whose water was tinted red reminding us of the iron ore that lay beneath us. We were soon to be upon Red House, set as it was in a grove of trees surround by ferns and the vestiges of walls demarcating what once was a small garden.

Entering the house, we found another inner sanctum; one bathed in red light – an homage to red and the ore which stained it. The walls and ceiling were built from stones tinted red.

Even the windows which allowed light inside

from ceiling and walls were etched with the mineral, creating patterns like moss upon the glass.

Together, the stone and mineral served to remind us that, in this valley, these two elements were the foundation of life. Not just in the sense of foundational beginnings but the underpinnings of God’s environment through which skills can be learned and applied. It is an environment where one can make a living and be proud of the work accomplished. It also served as a reminder of the ties that bind and the stains that oftentimes are so hard to wash away.


Leaving Job's Well

Looking Down Valley

Upper Right:

Exterior Red House

Lower Right:

Interior Window

Red House