dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 121

Mission of dig.ni.fy Magazine

Dig.ni.fy is a verb – a call for engagement and action – that asks us to reach out and engage with others and the “Other” to build a better world.


The magazine was born from a concern about a world in which people were and are willing to endure and embrace isolationism and authoritarianism if not totalitarianism. We at dig.ni.fy set as a goal developing a platform to give voice to peoples and cultures from around the world in a timely and relevant manner.


Our hope is that putting such diverse subjects as politics and community, economics and trade, arts and culture, environment and commerce, and markets and marketing next to each other in one publication we can create portals into worlds of which we may be unfamiliar and/or peoples and subjects of which we might otherwise never know.


Thank you for your support.

We hope you enjoy reading dig.ni.fy magazine.