Dig.ni.fy Summer 2023 | Page 99

about the business model of internet companies, and the lack of governmental regulation and oversight. According to a Fortune Global 500 2022 report, Internet

companies now represent four (Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, & Amazon) of the top 11 most profitable in the world.61 None of these companies – or other Internet companies like Facebook, Twitter/X, or TikTok, among others) – pay for the personal data being acquired through the platforms/applications, which they then use to generate revenue and profit. And, as everyone knows who has used these platforms and apps, users relinquish their rights to “own” their personal data being collected. It is truly the case, as was said earlier, companies view their users as nothing more than commodities who labor for them 24/7. Seen through the Marxist lens it is truly a nightmare, and it establishes a foundation for rebellion once people realize the level at which they are being exploited.

So, at the end of the day, what can we say: does Marx provide a proper critique of capitalism? It

certainly seems to be a valid critique of various

parts of the system. Does that mean we should

overthrow the system and install a communist

authoritarian system? No, we’ve seen how well

that worked out. But there is nothing wrong

with using his lens to see things from a

different perspective, and then applying our independent thinking to address what consensus identifies as ills or morally

questionable actions. Again, it is simply irresponsible to not consider engaging tools

that would be effective in countering monopolistic practices, actions affecting

climate change or harming individual health, or diminishing fundamental human rights because some people label it “socialistic” or “communistic” to win over masses for personal and political gain. There are a great many people who live full lives in such systems around the globe. Maybe, just maybe, we should also seriously consider “eco-cultural” communities, discussed in other articles printed in this magazine, which have both the size and underpinning values that could realize what it means to live a dignified human existence.

People deserve better. As Socrates demonstrated centuries ago, right needs to replace might.


A person could thus argue that there is dignity in work, but not in labor.