messages of Daudy's original trees. The NFTs are designed to connect the digital and real worlds through charitable donations. The incorporation of smart contract technology allows direct financial contributions from the sale of current and future digital artworks. Specifically, 30 percent of the profits from "The Evolution Project" are donated to charity. For the first iteration of their project, the artists have chosen Malala Fund, an organization which works to create a more equal world by making sure that all girls can go to school. (see video, opposite)
A video involving Kate Daudy and Sir Konstantin Novoselov (Kostya) discussing the relationshiip of science and art can be viewed at the top of this page. (see video, above)
Punctum: Future Nostalgia
"Punctum: Future Nostalgia" is one of Daudy’s more recent projects, created during a residency in Meteora, Greece, sponsored by the Ainalayn Space. Meteora is host to one of the largest complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries, all of which are situated upon a large rock formation. To followers of Eastern Orthodoxy, Meteora is second only in importance to Mount Athos.
Kate was invited by Ainalayn Space curator Indira Dyussebayeva-Ziyabek. During her time at Meteora, Daudy joined two other artists for a month in the city. Each artist’s time was her own, though the intent was for each to use the time reflecting upon the landscape and the people of the area in anticipation of creating a piece of art before the end of their stay.
At a presentation/conversation in London’s Hellenic Centre, moderated by Dyussebayeva-Ziyabek, Kate said her piece represented “a snapshot of the life I was living at the time.” She and her family had safely emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, but she had lost a dear friend who was still on her mind. The landscape provided a context through which Daudy was able to think about her own death and consider the impact of one human life.
"Punctum: Future Nostalgia" is a large ceramic “motherboard” containing some biological material. Kate said she had hoped the piece would remove the burden her family would have to endure thinking about what was important to her. She saw it as a piece that would represent those things that were important to her and which she would want to take into her next life.
Blue Talks Chapter 4 - Connecting Art and Science
Video Courtesy of:
Kate Daudy &
IE University