A short documentary film was made by Odessa Rae, a funding project in Syria involving displaced women was started, and written interventions were sent as part of the project. The project also generated a series of talks, responsive artwork, and performance pieces as it traveled around the world.
“Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” led to Kate being named as one of the top 1,000 most influential people in London in 2019 by the Evening Standard. Tragically, when being stored in anticipation of a move to the next venue, the tent was accidently mistaken by unbeknownst parties as material headed for the trash bin and was destroyed. There are currently no plans on replicating the installation.
Clear blue skies
“Clear blue skies” was a performance piece, conducted in New York City, where Daudy responded to President Donald Trump’s travel ban against Muslims. The project was supported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR), the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, Grand Central Station, Ground Zero, and various other locations in New York City.
As part of the performance, Kate first filled the
city with messages of good will from refugees from Jordan’s Azraq Camp and then turned to live stream images from people in New York City back to people in the camp. The performances were filmed by documentary filmmaker Odessa Rae. The film has been viewed more than six million times. (see video, above)
Everything is connected
Working with Nobel laureate Sir Konstantin Novoselov (Kostya) and a local Castillian shephard named Rafael Montes, Daudy painted SÍ or NO (YES or NO) on the backs of 400 sheep to prove the perfection of Einstein’s Unification Theory. Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is a model in particle physics in which, at high energies, the three-gauge interactions of the Standard Model comprising the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces are merged into a single force.2
The intent of the performance was to demonstrate it was possible, using random groups and arrangements, to prove it was possible for individuals to live peacefully no matter their point of view. However, in a similar exhibition, titled “Wonderchaos,” taking place at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, where sheep were painted with numbers, something else was
Am I My Brother's Keeper?,
Installation St. Paul's Cathedral
Photo Courtesy of:
Kate Daudy
Clear Blue Skies
Video Courtesy of:
Odessa Rae & Kate Daudy