Fundamental shifts are occurring in the global marketplace, shifts that are expected to be accelerated with the advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing. Better understanding what philosophers and economists have had to say about work and labor might not only reveal tensions within our existing economic and political relations, but provide insight into what makers and artists have to say about how to embue objects with meaning so we might live a more dignified existence.. Thus, we attempt in this issue to address both matters.
We start by examining the philosophical foundations and criticism of capitalism and capitalist economies, focusing specifically on the difference between work and labor. We profile the artists Kate Malone and Kate Daudy, both of whom have thought a lot about their craft and/or art, in hopes of better understanding what they have to say about how their work creates meaning and promotes dignity. We profile and examine organizations – like the United Kingdom Crafts Council, the Loewe Foundation, and FiredUp4 – which provide education and support to makers. And we profile companies like Cooperativa La Liberazione that has worked to provide better support of community members and Cu Fibra that has engaged what is considered an abundance of particular natural resources (such as copper and cellulose) to produce a new copper-infused paper product proven to have antibacterial, antifungal, and even antiviral properties that could combat SARS-CoV2.
Once again placing theory against practice, we hope to provide insight into how we might improve our world. Enjoy!
In this Issue ...
William Paul Wanker
Founder magazine
is produced in partnership with Dignity Projects.
London, England
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