Venkat Venkatraman is a Jr. Professor of 30-year career on studying industries and
Management and Department Chair at business systems transformed by digital
the Boston University Questrom School of technologies.
Business. His work lies at the intersection
between strategic management and This is an easy to follow rule book, utilising
information technology, with a focus on how compelling case studies to illustrate how
companies position to win in a network era. His legacy companies can succeed by developing
latest book, The Digital Matrix promises to be new business models around digital
an “easy to follow rule book for every business technology, as well as developing strategic
leader whose sights are set on survival today, relationships with entrepreneurs and digital
and success in years to come.” But does it get giants.
Ben’s stamp of approval?
What Ben says:
What the publisher says: This is the book I hope the CEOs at my clients
Most CEOs just don’t know how to respond to are reading. It provides a great framework for
the opportunities and threats that confront discussions at the board level around digital
them, from AI to wearable tech to the readily strategy, looking outward not inward, plus
available real-time data from customers. it’s full of great examples of the moves an
incumbent company can make to stay relevant
The Digital Matrix: New Rules for Business or reinvent itself. It takes a bit of getting into
Transformation Through Technology has at the start, but stick with it and you will be
the answers they need. Author Venkat rewarded with the ability to see patterns and
Venkatraman is a Boston University professor, make sense of them in the chaos of digital
researcher, and consultant who has built his disruption.
Gene Kim is an American entrepreneur, What Ben says:
researcher, and author focused on IT I’ve been privileged to work with the four
operations, information security, and, DevOps. luminaries who co-authoured this book and
His latest book, The DevOps Handbook is ironically it wasn’t an agile process at all, they
available now. Here’s the North Highland took several years! The result is definitely a
lowdown on Gene’s latest read. big-bang. You don’t need to read The Phoenix
Project (another of Gene Kim’s works) first
What the publishers say: but I’d recommend it as it’s a great easy read
High-performing organisations are 2.5 times (takes about 12 hours) and sets the scene
more likely to exceed profitability, market beautifully. The DevOps Handbook isn’t a
share, and productivity goals. novel, it’s a bible. Parts I & II introduce the
concepts and explain the benefits well enou gh
The DevOps handbook shows leaders how to to convince any skeptic and then parts III-V
create the cultural norms and the technical give a detailed “how-to” guide full of practical
practices that will help technology leaders to examples. I recommend this book for every IT
maximise organisational learning, improve leader who wants to modernise their working
employee engagement, and advance your practices, their technology, and their culture.
position in the marketplace.
Summer 2017