• Buy-in at the top: Without buy-in
encourage people to train and sign in Planet campaign focused on capturing
from senior leadership, any initiative regularly. You’ll only create an extra pain the potential of smarter systems for
to empower employees and achieve point if you don’t tell people how to use it. growth, efficiency and societal good. It
transformation will fail. Effective communication will help convert evolved into a value-based culture, with
your early adopters to an early majority. collaborative innovation fueling change
• Delegated authority: The team in charge
needs to have authority to make decisions
and implement changes.
and growth.
• A trigger: Kicking off a transformation
requires an inciting incident—a failed
• An understanding of the Why: Even more
project, perhaps, or a market shift. than How, or Where you’re going, your
Whatever the trigger for change, leadership team, and the organisation as
for change within the business—the it must be driven from the very top a whole, needs to understand the Why. If
early adopters of change, so to speak. of the organisation. Consider the you want to move your organisation from
These change champions will lead transformation of IBM from a hardware Waterfall to Agile practices, for example,
from the front, proselytising about how company to a technology