Our baby is 1 year old! Although we loved to create various blogs and pages in Confluence about all the random stuff we do at work, the DG Monthly Magazine was introduced in November 2017, which put a stop on the messy pages and content all around the Belgrade confluence space and gave us a lot more space to show our creativity. One of the biggest issues of the magazine was the language. We could not agree on it for a long time, since we had to match the following language pairs in order to make the magazine accessible for all: Serbian, German and French. Therefore obviously we chose English! However this clarifies why you will notice the various languages used in the magazine so far. Meanwhile our magazine became a real deal, the content got richer and we even got some very interesting scandal stories, as well as stories from all around the world, from our dear DG frequent travelers. The magazine helps us learn about our new coworkers, keep up to date with the most important changes and news in the company, learn more about the company and review all our team activities. Along with the Employee Engagement team, a lot of others also contributed to the magazine, by suggesting ideas, helping with the arrangement and design, as well as writing the articles. Thank you very much for your contribution, and keep up the good work in the following issues! We have big plans, and the next steps are ... wait for it ... printing the editions we published so far! This adds a new dimension to this project. We can’t wait to see the printed editions laying around our new kitchen and lounge in Strahinjića bana Street.
Story @ Nikola Dj.
OUR 1st
Office View