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Who we served

Aliquam varius adipis


13,000 Students

48 Schools

"A student who was a habitual skipper in each class came to class tardy on the day we had a lesson about making good choices. He stayed after class and said he wanted to talk. He said he was confused about how he was feeling and felt like he needed to make the choice to kill himself. Student was consoled. Without this lesson the student would not be able to get the help needed not to take his life." - Rina LaRosa (teacher at Shields Middle)

“Community Building Sessions made me realize that to make people nice you have to act nice.” - Belle (student at Burns Middle)

"My students are enjoying the Community Building Sessions. Since day 2 they started to lead the Beginning and Transition Breathing. Yesterday they learned how to greet in Spanish and we incorporated it today as part of our classroom greeting. Today for the sharing/compliment session I distributed markers and every student complimented each other by writing on their desks. They had so much fun and were very positive. Charles told the class he had never heard someone complimented him before." - Tania Nanfra (teacher at Burnett Middle)

Making A Difference
