DIGITAL UP Magazine NO.2 | Página 59

Michael Taylor follows the idea of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy contained in his famous sentence: “Photography is
light architecture!” He exclusively dedicates his artwork to the light, its nature, changes, characteristics, possibilities and most of all, to the experiment with light. He is a scientist and artist with diplomas in zoology, computer science, fine arts and design. Even though he spent a lot of
time in school, he claims we can learn the most from practice and experiments. As a fifteen-year-old boy, he was »infected« with photography when he received a 35mm Practica SLR from his parents. Soon he made a darkroom, and his love of printmaking has remained to the present day, although he uses Phase One DF P45 digital backnow. Michael Taylor’s work is based on physics and chemistry, but inspiration comes
from literature and classical painting, from Renaissance to Expressionism, as well as from theatre and movie, especially in stage lighting.His investigation of light is the result of a carefully prepared and designed five or six drawings from which only one will survive. This one can change during the shooting,