Digital Style Guide UNSW Digital Style Guide | Page 9

Colour Primary Yellow is used for high priority CTAs. Yellow is our hero colour and should always feature prominently. Combining yellow with white and adding black type helps us maintain brand attribution through all communications. UNSW Digital Style Guide #FFDC00 30% #FFF4B2 15% #FFFAD9 #181716 30% #B9B9B9 15% #DDDCDC 5% #F3F3F3 #FFFFFF Text Text Secondary Tertiary The secondary colour for backgrounds, shapes and patterns. Use lighter tints for large content blocks or full bleed background areas. Used for infographics to maximise the colour range. Full colours as well as tints can be used next to each other as needed. #3F61C4 #FF635D #1AC987 #FA91B6 #2DAAE2 #007882 #8A68C8 #FF8200 Hyperlink Error Success 30% #C5CFED 30% #FFD0CE 30% #FBAEEDA 30% #FFDEE9 30% #BFE5F6 30% #B2D6D9 30% #DBD1EE 30% #FFD9B2 15% #E2E8F6 15% #FFE8E7 15% #DDF7ED 15% #FEEFF4 15% #E0F3FB 15% #D9EBED 15% #EEE9F7 15% #FFEDD9 Warning Back to contents | 9