Digital Style Guide UNSW Digital Style Guide | Page 29

Our events give you the opportunity to network with likeminded peers, find out how you can push boundaries through study and research, and move your career forward. Components See Events Accordion Essential Information Accordion Entry Requirements How to Apply Speak with an Advisor Coloured background Colour background White background White background Past students. Present leaders. Tony Costa’s portrait of fellow artist and Zen Buddhist Lindy Lee has won the 2019 Archibald Prize, marking the fourth time in seven years that a UNSW graduate has won Australia’s most famous portraiture prize. Explore Postgraduate study. What’s in it for you? More opportunities, more income, more options…there are many good reasons to start a postgraduate course. Here are just a few: Label Label Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a nunc neque. Suspendisse fringilla suscipit lectus, ut mattis enim pulvinar eu. Cras non suscipit metus. Fusce bibendum sem hendrerit tortor varius consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a nunc neque. Suspendisse fringilla suscipit lectus, ut mattis enim pulvinar eu. Cras non suscipit metus. Fusce bibendum sem hendrerit tortor varius consectetur. Label Label Label Label Label Label Employability Career acceleration Put your career in the fast lane. Learn from world renowned experts, make international connections and become a leader in your field. Future proofed Pursue your passion Leadership Happiness Browse our degrees UNSW Digital Style Guide Back to contents | 29