Digital Style Guide UNSW Digital Style Guide | Page 22

Buttons Primary Active Primary and secondary buttons come in three different sizes: - Large (56px) Secondary Hover Disabled Add 15% black opacity Reduce text/icon to 30% opacity, use 30% colour value Text Active Hover Disabled Add 15% black opacity Reduce text/icon to 30% opacity, use 30% colour value Text Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label - Medium (48px) - Small (36px) Use large buttons for desktop hero headers. Use medium buttons for desktop, mobile and EDMs. Use small buttons when space is restricted. Text + Arrow Text + Arrow Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Text + Icon UNSW Digital Style Guide Text + Icon Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Back to contents | 22