Digital Style Guide UNSW Digital Style Guide | Page 11

Typography Light backgrounds Header Clancy is our primary typeface for headers, body copy and most links. Roboto Mono is our secondary typeface for buttons and smaller links. Copy is left aligned wherever possible. Our type sits black on white. H1/Clancy/Our Bold/96px H2/Clancy/Bold/60px H3/Clancy/Bold/48px H4/Clancy/Bold/34px H5/Clancy/Bold/24px H6/Clancy/Bold/20px Subtitle Subtitle 1/Clancy/Bold/16px Subtitle 1/Clancy/Bold/14px Body Buttons and Links Subtitle 1/Clancy/Regular/16px Button 1/Roboto Mono/Regular/16px Subtitle 2/Clancy/Regular/14px Button 2/Roboto Mono/Regular/14px Subtitle 3/Clancy/Regular/12px Link 1/Roboto Mono/Regular/16px Link 2/Roboto Mono/Regular/14px Hyperlink 1/Clancy/Regular/16px Hyperlink 1/Clancy/Regular/16px - Visited UNSW Digital Style Guide Back to contents | 11