Digital Product & Service Solutions Review MTE Rustenburg - 14 July 2020 | Page 26
ZOE Investments
Zoe Investments is a 100% black owned company which is under the leadership of a
female, Botshelo Morei. She has renowned experience in the mining sector having been
a former founding member of Basadi Ba Dithakga, a previously black-female owned
enterprise operating in construction and the mining sector. For the latter company, she
also served as the Project Manager in conjunction with being the owner for eight years.
The Zoe Investments owner/manager, Botshelo Morei, has managerial skills and has
been in the business industry for over 10 years,Her credentials- MBA with the Business
Place,New venture creation with MQA Currently studying Bsm with UNISA and under
Black umbrella incubation programme. She is the member of BMF and NAFCOC. She
also has a technical business partner who has specialized knowledge and experience
regarding pump installation. The technical business partner is a qualified engineer and has
performed services such as vertical spillage pumps, main, maintenance of underground
pump station, spillage pump and overall water pipe line.
Products and Services
• Pump maintenance
• Pump installation
• Pump supply
• Pipe installation
Contact Number: +27 72 671 8375
Email: [email protected][email protected][email protected]