Company Index
3 . Introduction 4 . African Mining Magazine 5 . Aury Africa ( Pty ) Ltd 6 . Cymot ( Pty ) Ltd 7 . Epiroc Mining Namibia ( Pty ) Ltd 8 . Heat Exchange Products ( Pty ) Ltd 9 . Huster Machinetool Company ( Pty ) Ltd 10 . Komatsu Namibia ( Pty ) Ltd 11 . Martin Engineering 12 . Microdrones GMBH 13 . Microtech ( Pty ) Ltd 14 . Mining and Technical Exhibitions
15 . Namibia Lubricants cc 16 . Prestank ( Pty ) Ltd 17 . Reef Switchboard Manufacturers ( Pty ) Ltd 18 . RS Components SA ( Pty ) Ltd 19 . Ryalsan North Engineering ( Pty ) Ltd t / a R N E Pumps 20 . Swanib Cables ( Pty ) Ltd 21 . TLT-Turbo Africa ( Pty ) Ltd 22 . Turnmill ( Pty ) Ltd 23 . Umqondo Marketing and Consulting ( Pty ) Ltd 24 . Wurth Namibia ( Pty ) Ltd 25 . African MinesHandbook
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Front cover image courtesy www . southerntimesafrica . com