Internacional de Educação do Brasil ( IEB ) will safeguard over 2.2 million acres of highly biodiverse habitat through formal designations that recognize land tenure and guaranteed management rights . The project areas are concentrated along rivers — on the front lines in the fight against deforestation — where many rare birds and countless other species find their homes .
Tree cover loss from 2001 — 2021
Primary forest accounts for 83 % of Brazil ’ s total tree cover , which is why Brazil is a top conservation priority for Rainforest Trust and for global conservation .
There are approximately 138 million acres of undesignated lands in the Brazilian Amazon . As we work towards safeguarding at least 20 to 25 million acres over the next four years , various protection mechanisms will be employed depending on the particularities of the project : legalization of Indigenous and local community land tenure and management rights ; creation of new or expansion of national or state protected areas ; and outright land purchases to be held by in-country NGOs , community organizations and the like .
Legend :
Tree Cover Tree Cover Loss
Brazil is a Global Carbon Treasury
The Amazon stores 111 billion metric tons of carbon , equivalent to more than five times the combined annual emissions of the top 10 CO 2 emitting nations . It is a refuge for an estimated one-third of all Earth ’ s terrestrial species . Its loss is unthinkable . That is why we are working harder and faster , with your support , to prevent the real danger of the Amazon transitioning from rainforest to savanna , thereby endangering all life on Earth .
Source | Global Forest Watch 13