Digital_NB81_24 | Page 65

BOUNTIFUL BENEFITS As you consider growing your own bounty , it ’ s important to understand the wealth of benefits that come along with it .
“ You buy things in the grocery store and you don ’ t know where it was grown ,” says Sarah Smith , expert horticulturist for Roger ’ s Gardens . “ A lot of things are picked before they ’ re even ripe , … because things like tomatoes and apples and berries get very soft . … So the flavor ’ s just not as good . There is not a strawberry in the world that tastes better than a strawberry that you grew and just picked and popped right into your mouth .”
In the same vein , growing a garden allows you to control which sprays and fertilizers come into contact with the food you enjoy . As an organic plant nursery , Roger ’ s Gardens makes it easy to ensure your produce is safe and healthy .
Smith also says that , with ingredients like herbs , you can pick just what you need for that meal , helping to reduce food waste . Additionally , you can experiment by chopping up some of the herbs and throwing them on a dish to make it look more artistic and appetizing .
For Jessica Roy , executive chef and owner of Sherman Gardens ’ 608 Dahlia restaurant , cultivating your own cooking garden can also teach you a lot . “ Working [ here ] … really enhanced my desire to learn more about growing , because of the beautiful things I see everyday ,” she explains . “ As a chef , having my own [ home ] garden allows me to see various items at their infancy all the way to harvest . It has also given me a deeper respect for the whole process of farm-to-table [ dining ] and a sharper lens for quality and plant development .”
Gardeners can also enjoy the same benefits you would from taking a hike , as spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress , improve memory , promote cognitive control and flexibility , enhance concentration , boost your mood and contribute to overall happiness , according to the American Psychological Association .
“ The joy of gardening and just being connected to nature and the Earth — and knowing that you are planting and nurturing your own vegetables and fruits … and giving them so much love —[ is even better when ] you ’ re putting that love on the table for your family ,” Smith notes .
She adds that it can be a great project for children , especially , as many of them don ’ t even know the types of trees or bushes that different produce grows on . “ It ’ s a good way to get your kids invested
Sherman Library & Gardens grows edible produce among the plants , including Swiss chard , kale , tomatillos , artichokes and peppers ; some of this is used in dishes at the on-site 608 Dahlia restaurant .