Digital Magazine | Page 72

While tequila is made from the blue weber agave , dozens of other types of agave can create mezcal .
Even the same types of agave grow very differently in different regions , so the potential range of flavors is really vast . And while mezcal has a reputation for being smoky , the level of smokiness varies . Some are fruit forward , others are the opposite . There ’ s actually little you can generalize about mezcal , but one constant is that the espadin agave variety , the father of tequila ’ s blue weber , is prolific , and found in most mezcals . The majority are blends , but usually single variety bottles are labeled accordingly , and 100 % espadin mezcals , which are widely available , is the closest to tequila , and the most approachable for first timers . Another rule of thumb , while agave for tequila is usually steamed in ovens before distillation , for other mezcals it is roasted in underground pits , like a luau , and that ’ s why it tends to have a smokier flavor .
HAVE A SIP Mixologists will tell you that the best way to learn about a new product or spirit is to visit a reputable bar or restaurant with a good selection and knowledgeable staff . The same principle applies for mezcal .
Like fine tequilas , good mezcal can be enjoyed neat , but in this country , it is more typically used in cocktails , which is how most experts recommend exploring it , especially for newcomers . “ Many of the people getting hip to mezcal are being introduced to it through cocktails ,” comments Bryce David , owner of Ensenada , a New York restaurant that specializes in authentic regional Mexican cuisine with an extensive mezcal program , including multi-course food and mezcal pairings and regional mezcal tasting flights . He enjoys the spirit “ neat ,