Digital Magazine | Page 52

Topography , soil type and water drainage all play into a golf course architect ' s design .
A topographic map helps guide decisions as far as the borders , boundaries and access to the clubhouse . Depending on the project , design factors to consider may include whether the plan is a standalone golf course or if the course is situated among homes or commercial developments . But a golf course architect also needs to know what lies below the surface , as far as the water source , soil types and mechanics , natural drainage channels and irrigation routing options . “ It ’ s a bit like surgery , in that you want to know what you ’ re going to find before you open it up ,” Jones explains .
Beyond recreation , a golf course plays an important role in managing water — capturing and slowing it down before it leaves a property . “ From the first step till the finished product , a lot of elements come into play that golfers may not recognize ,” notes Phil Smith , whose career includes work with Jack Nicklaus and the late Tom Weiskopf before starting his own Phil Smith Design brand in 2012 .
FROM PENCIL AND PAPER TO DIRT Although newer generations may go straight to their laptop and create a computer-based design , both Jones and Smith still draft the initial layout on paper . “ A college professor once told me that great architects design through their own fingers with a number six pencil ,” maintains Jones , who starts the process by marking up the waterways on the topographic map and then lays out the tees , fairways and greens like a puzzle around them to follow the contours of the land . For the final step of design , Jones still prefers to go into the field to sketch out his vision .
During this process , the architect is taking into consideration — along with the input from owners or developers — a wide ranging number of stylistic factors that go beyond the links . Will there be returning nines ? Separate tee boxes or long runway tee boxes ? Do the longest par fours and fives go in opposite directions , and are all par threes in different directions to give it design variety in varying wind conditions ? Are the hazards , whether bunkers , water or woods , balanced on the left and right sides of the course ?
A hands-on architect remains involved throughout the construction process , an endless stream of milestones and approvals on shaping , drainage and features , with lots of iterations . Once the irrigation is in , that ’ s when detail matters most . “ On the green surfaces , I ’ m looking at details within a quarter of an inch , which can make a huge difference ,” Smith explains .
With the layout complete , the grass selection is perhaps the most local decision ; after all , New England ’ s cold winters and ice are a completely different environment from , say , Hawaii . Once a hole has been seeded , it ' s usually about a three-month grow-in before it ’ s ready to open , and about three months from the time the last hole is finished to opening the course . Using sod can help accelerate the process , while minimizing chemical use and erosion , but it will also add more to the construction budget .