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Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the U . S ., and it ’ s easy to see why : It ’ s so playable , even first-timers can have fun and be competitive , too . “ One of the reasons our guests love pickleball so much is that you can play in a group regardless of age , gender and level ,” explains Tadd Fujikawa , the head pickleball professional at Sea Island . “ There aren ’ t many sports where you can do that .” He ’ s not exaggerating : The National Pickleball Championships includes a bracket for players 85 and older .

Pickleball ’ s multi-generational appeal dates back to 1965 when three dads on Bainbridge Island , Washington , wanted to create an outdoor game they could play with their kids . Using the sports equipment they had available — a badminton court , ping-pong paddles and a plastic ball with holes — the trio improvised , pulling rules and equipment from several games and tweaking the resulting game until everyone could not only play , but enjoy it . Thus , pickleball was officially born . Today , with 4.8 million players and counting , it ’ s become the fastest growing sport in America , with the most growth among players under 24 . Celebrities also love it : Reese Witherspoon , Leonardo Dicaprio and George Clooney are devoted picklers . It ’ s popular with members and guests at Sea Island , too , who often use the game as a way to enjoy an outdoor activity with the entire family .
Two stories debate the origin of the sport ’ s odd name . One is that the game is named for a golden retriever named Pickles who ran away with the ball during those early games whenever he could ; the other links it to the term “ pickle boat ,” which describes the last boat to finish a race , usually crewed by a team thrown together at the last minute .
Since pickleball was actually built to accommodate a wide range of ages and abilities , rules ensure that sheer power doesn ’ t necessarily rule the day . One is court size . At just 44 feet long by 20 feet wide , the play area is about half of the size of a regulation tennis court , giving players a sporting chance at running down even well-angled balls . Underhand serves keep players in check , as does a rule against volleying in the “ kitchen ,” a 7-foot wide space that parallels the net on either side . Players can ’ t camp out in the kitchen either — after dashing in to scoop up a short ball , they need to scuttle back out immediately to await the next shot . Then there ’ s the ball itself , a multi-holed plastic sphere that , like a Wiffle ball , just can ’ t build up the same speed as a tennis or ping-pong ball . “ One of the great things about pickleball is that you don ’ t need to build up a huge skill set to get a rally going ,” comments Melissa Zhang , director of communications and content for Pickleball USA . “ But there ’ s also a lot of room for growth . At the elite levels , it ’ s a real workout .”
Sea Island pickleball professional Tadd Fujikawa teaches all levels of the sport ( above ) and is available for lessons on the courts at Retreat Clubhouse ( left ).
HOW TO GET STARTED Though it might seem best to make your first attempt at pickleball with a private lesson , Fujikawa suggests gathering a foursome and learning together . “ The rules are intricate , and the scoring is tricky ,” he says . “ Learning that part at the same time you ’ re learning to hit the ball will make it come together more easily .”
Choosing the right paddle is an important factor . Some materials make it easier to put spin on the ball while others offer a power boost . There are also varying weights , grip sizes and , since the paddle has a flat-face , designs . “ Try to play with a variety of paddles before you purchase one ,” suggests Fujikawa . “ You ’ ll be surprised how different they are .”
PICKLEBALL AT SEA ISLAND In November 2021 , the Sea Island Retreat Tennis Center debuted eight dedicated pickleball courts , all of which are lighted for nighttime play . The center offers three clinics — introduction , beginner and intermediate — as well as custom clinics for pre-set foursomes . The new courts make it the perfect place to try the sport or perfect your game if you ’ re already a devotee .