THE BROOCH Formerly associated with grandmothers and the Queen , the brooch was considered oldfashioned , until recently , when it reemerged as a logo pin , or as a simple lapel pin being worn by men and women alike .
EMOTIONAL ESCAPE ROOMS Coined by Pinterest , this pandemic-incited trend is here to stay and refers to the way people are recharging at home by repurposing their now-not-so-used guest rooms into sacred spaces — which includes everything from massage rooms to music dens , meditation rooms and crystal caverns .
“ After everything we have been through the past few years , especially with the pandemic , I think people are looking for safe spaces within their own homes where they can unwind and relax . Many are incorporating resort like amenities into their spaces and creating areas that allow them to do what they enjoy without having to leave the sanctuary of their own home .”
“ The brooch is one of my favorite ways to accessorize an outfit . There are so many different options , from antique to vintage to designer . It ’ s the perfect way to accentuate your style . To me , it is the finishing touch to balance your outfit . I wear one every day — even when it wasn ’ t a trend . I have antiques . I have Dior . I have pearls .”
SPACE TRAVEL For those with disposable income , you can now buy a $ 450,000 seat on one of Richard Branson ’ s Virgin Galactic ’ s suborbital space planes — for a reservation for future travel . Click the “ Fly With Us ” button on the Virgin Galactic website and you can request an application . ( virgingalactic . com )
“ I remember watching the first man to walk on the moon and how exciting that was to see . To me , a trip like this would be the ultimate travel experience — exploring a new destination that very few people in our lifetimes will ever get the opportunity to visit .”
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