Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adventure" Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adv_1st issue | Page 7

DIG IT AL Shear MAGA ZINE thickening A fluid is shear thick- ening if the viscosity of the fluid increases as the shear rate in- creases. A common example of shear thickening fluids also known as dilatant, is a mixture of cornstarch and water. You have probably seen exam- ples of this on TV or the internet, where „MA T HS A ND SC IENC E ADV ENT UR E” plastics, are ubiquitous in industrial and biological processes. Common examples include ketchup, paints and blood. people can run over this kind of solutions and yet, they will sink if they stand still. Bingham plastic Shear thinning Fluids that have a linear shear stress/shear strain relationship re- quire a finite yield stress before they begin to flow (the plot of shear stress against shear strain does not pass through the origin). These flu- ids are called Bingham plastics. Fluids are shear thinning if the vis- cosity decreases as the shear rate in- creases. Shear thin- ning fluids, also known as pseudo- But how does deformation depend on shear stress? Bingham plastic Shear thinning Shear thickening Applications of non newtonian fluids: - bulletproof vests Modern applications of PAGE these fluids are found in the manufacture in- dustry. The require- ment for vests that are lightweight, flexible and resistant to penetration has led the industry to develop products that are baseed on such non-Newtonian fluids. - oobleck bullet Another similar use of such flu- ids is the oobleck bullet that is same as plastic bullets. The purpose of such bullets is to repel furious crowds rather than causing their death 7