Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adventure" Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adv_1st issue | Page 5

DIG IT AL MAGA ZINE „MA T HS A ND SC IENC E ADV ENT UR E” ferent deformations (flows) that fluids have. This question emerges effortlessly by observ- ing the flow of honey and water in the pic- tures on the right. Why do fluids pre- sent viscosity? Viscosity is presented due to the collisions between the fluid mole- cules, but also because From the above picture we observe that: The fluid layers are lo- cated between the of the cohesion forces of its molecules. For the study of fluid engi- neering we use the fol- lowing simple model. As you can observe plane (y = 0) and the plate to a height of y = H where the fluid is impulse. The velocity of each layer u x (y) depends on some kind of fluid is placed between two plates. The plate on the upper side slides at ve- locity V while the other is stationary . its height in relation to the stationary plate.. When y = 0 u x = 0 When y = H = u x = V The above observations led Newton to his experimental law of viscosity. Shear stress Viscosity Rate of deformation PAGE 5