Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adventure" Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adv_1st issue | Page 17

PAGE DIG IT AL MA GA ZINE “M AT HS AND SC IEN CE Cypriot embroidered lace, the well known “lefkaritiko”. It is said that the famous Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci visited Cyprus at the end of the 15 th century and came to Lefkara, where he bought a large ornate table- cloth, which he gifted to Milan Cathe- dral. In addition to Lefkara lace, another craft that has thrived here for decades is silversmithing. Hand –made jewels, spoons, censers and other ecclesiasti- cal implements, candle burners, pro- cessional staffs, crosses etc. are made locally, while silver and gold are also used to coat icons and bibles. Lefkara is a large settlement whose main architectural characteristic is the fact that buildings are concentrated in a dense area and are mostly terraced. The houses are built from stone with tiled roofs, balconies and inner court- yards, filled with flowers. AD VEN TU RE ” close that they almost appear to merge one into another. Several of the narrow picturesque alleyways are paved and blend in with the stone walls of the buildings. There are many chapels in Lefkara. This is because of the religiousness of the locals, who contributed to the construction of eighteen chapels in many neighbourhoods of the village and the surrounding area, some of which are superb examples of Byz- antine architecture. The roads are narrow and often lead to a dead end, with balconies so tightly 25.11.2016 Trip to Paphos the Cypriot team 17