Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adventure" Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adv_1st issue | Page 11

DIG IT AL MAGA ZINE „MA T HS A ND SC IENC E ADV ENT UR E” PAGE Breaking the ice—Students’ walk down Ledras and Onasagorou streets 21.11.2016 On this afternoon, we arranged for the Erasmus+ students to meet and take a stroll down Ledras street, the main shopping street in the old town with in the walls. Our teen- agers were just start- ing to get to know each other and this was an opportunity for them to socialize and interact. The walk down Ledras was very pleasant as it is a pedestrianized street, filled with busy cafeterias, small restaurants and shops. We had a very interesting stop which quite sur- prised everyone. The tallest building in this street (Shacolas Tower) has an observatory on the top floor from osity and they had which the visitor can enjoy an amazing view of Nicosia, ob- serve maps which highlight some of the old town’s land- marks and also spot them from above! The students real- ized where exactly they were in relation to the old town with- in the Venetian Walls with the characteris- tic circular shape. many questions to They also became aware of the division of the town where they could have a clear view of build- ings in the occupied part of Nicosia, as well as the Kyrenia mountain range North of Nicosia. The whole setting aroused their curi- the Cypriot team 11