Digital Magazine Class 32 Volume 1 May 2013 | Page 5

T echnology in football is vital as goals can be unfairly given . On example of this is in the 1966 final between England and Germany . Geoff Hurst , an English footballer , chipped a shot that hit the crossbar and landed on / behind the line , the goal was given . However the next time the two country ' s faced-off the Germans scored a goal and it wasn ’ t counted . This is why goal line technology is needed in football .
Geoff Hurst
GoalRef technology

A nother piece of goal line technology is GoalRef . GoalRef technology uses a magnetic field around the goal and an electronic circuit in the ball . GoalRef is a joint German – Danish project that was trialled at a club world cup . Hawk-eye , however , is an English idea .

T echnology in football is vital as goals can be unfairly given . On example of this is in the 1966 final between England and Germany . Geoff Hurst , an English footballer , chipped a shot that hit the crossbar and landed on / behind the line , the goal was given . However the next time the two country ' s faced-off the Germans scored a goal and it wasn ’ t counted . This is why goal line technology is needed in football .

Geoff Hurst

GoalRef technology

Please click hear for more information : http :// www . hawkeyeinnovations . co . uk / page / sports-officiating / football
http :// metro . co . uk / 2013 / 02 / 27 / hawk-eye-goalref-and-cairos-in-fifa-fight-over-goal-linetechnology-at-2014-world-cup-3516318 /