W hat does the future hold for our children if 89 % of children say the best way to spend their free time watching TV or gaming . The shocking statistics show just over 33 % of 11-year-olds are now overweight or obese . Why are parents allowing their children to obsess with today ’ s media ? Not only must this effect their mind isn ’ t this one of the reasons for children being overweight ? Letting your child snack out on what the like , this must have an effect on their health later on in life .
Is Face-book effecting your child , yes it is searched 350X more addictive than a ‘ cigarette addiction ’. Many things like drink and cigarettes you try to make your child avoid but are social networking healthy for your child . Does it have a good effect on the way they behave .
T his is not only unhealthy for their body but their minds taking in information that could be ruining their self-esteem .
S tudents say it ‘ hurts to unplug ’ it has become part of their daily routine , not only uploading photos it is about keeping up with everything happening in the world . Media has a huge effect of children today giving them false information of what they are too look like and the way they behave , but while sitting on online they find it a massive task to come offline to do any physical activity , is this not part of the reason for children over weight today .