Windows and Tabs
Windows and Tabs
example we can have a browser window
open with several tabs that represent
Tabs are a powerful feature of any
documents like Google Docs, Sheets or
browser, but when you combine tabs and
Slides. We can also have a window open
windows, the possibilities are endless.
with tabs dedicated to information sites
We know that tabs are good for opening
that have information we need to work on
multiple pages in the browser without the
in our documents. In this example I will
headache of windows opening all over
go to my Google Drive and create a
the place. We also know that opening
Document for research.
pages in separate windows can be
confusing. What if we can combine the
features of both and use them to help get
our work done more effectively.
Browser windows can be a useful way for
us to organize tabs. We can use windows
to group tabs in any way we choose.
Let’s begin with the basics. We can
create a new window by going to the
menu, clicking File and selecting New
Window. We can also use the shortcut
key Command + W on Mac or Control +
W on Windows.
For the next step we could easily create
a tab to switch back and forth between
tabs. The problem is that, we would have
to keep switching back and forth between
these tabs. Instead we can create a new
window and open that window to the
page with the information. My research
paper will cover Nikola Tesla.
We get a new window where we can
begin working with a set of tabs. For