PLAY DECIDE KIT, a Scientix resource which includes infocards, issue cards and storycards, is an educational game
which focuses on Digital Awareness. Students in groups enjoyed role- playing and debatedthe themes on the text.
Link to the resource :
Students printed on a cardboard all the issue cards, info cards and story cards after choosing the most interesting
ones . In class, they've created three groups. Each on was composed by eight students and were given 24 cards for
each student: eight info cards, eight issue cards and eight-story cards. Then they comment the cards and discuss the
matter with their peers.
A student says,
‘ This game was so funny and useful because it helped us to increase our e-skills and our knowledge about a lot of
topics like multitasking and video games. It was nice to speak in English with my classmates! We ‘ve learnt a lot of
things on young people‘s digital lives and their digital experiences! We've also shared the photos and the videos on
TwinSpace platform. ‘