digital learning team WEAREDLT | Page 15

SCUOLA MICHELANGELO/ITALY 4TH ACTIVITY- NEW YEAR CARD EXCHANGE Students wrote Christmas postcards to Turkey and Portugal and exchanged gifts. December 6, 2016 Dear Mr Musan Eren and Dr Álvaro Santos, It gives me great pleasure to share the eTwinning project” Digital Learning Team” between our schools involved in active eTwinning settings. I’m firmly convinced that eTwinning facilitates constructive and collaborative school partnerships that foster digital education projects across all age groups and subject categories, both within and beyond the European Union. The project is significant in terms of developing pupils’ ICT skills but almost equally significant in the contribution they made to pupils’ understanding of Europe and its people, and the way in which projects develop their cooperation and teamwork skills. The exchange of letters and multimedia works is an educational offer that will achieve positive outcomes for pupils, teachers and wider school communities. I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Kind Regards, The Headmistress Antonietta Scurani SCUOLA MICHELANGELO/ITALY 5TH ACTİVİTY: MİNECRAFT TUTORİAL AND ETWİNNİNG HOUSE. We have decided to use Minecraft for 5th activity. A video tutorial about Minecraft created by a student and subsequently, a group of students made the Etwinning House with the same webtool.