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2024 / 2025 21 disco as well as lessons from professional dancers to tap into your own creative spirit . For more information about the festival , visit art-a-fair . com .
Festival of Arts
Featuring the work of 120 award-winning Orange County artists , the Festival of Arts fine art show takes place in a beautiful outdoor setting and is one of the nation ’ s longest-running juried art shows . Started over 90 years ago , the festival always features a wide variety of works from paintings and sculpture to glassware , ceramics , photography and multimedia .
“ This year ’ s show was juried by some of the most recognized names in the West Coast ’ s art community ,” says Sharbie Higuchi , marketing and public relations director . “ Our jurors evaluate submitted artwork based on criteria including creativity and originality , excellence of
Opposite page : Laguna Art-A-Fair entrance ; this page , from top : Pageant of the Masters ’ living art ; a Festival of Arts exhibit
craftsmanship , excellence in the use of design elements , and professional presentation .”
Twenty-one new artists will be showing and selling their creations this year , as well as more than 90 talented artists returning to the show . In addition to the artworks on display , the event features art tours , classes and workshops , wine and chocolate pairings , and a variety of live music .
Meanwhile , the art show kicks off a new partnership with the City of Hope Orange County : A series of Saturday night concerts , which are part of City of Hope ’ s “ Music of Hope ” tour , will feature a piano wrapped in blue and uplifting music that salutes cancer patients and their families and friends . For more information , visit foapom . com .
Pageant of the Masters
Since it was first staged in 1933 , Pageant of the Masters has grown into one of Laguna ’ s best-known events . This year ’ s theme , “ À La Mode : The Art of Fashion ,” will feature “ living pictures ” with cast members wearing elaborate costumes to re-create artwork from the era