Digital_LB125_8.24 | Page 49

Artist Jo Situ Allen ( above ) works on her mural , “ Daytripper ” ( above and left ) on a building at Ocean Avenue and Beach Street .
“ DAYTRIPPER ” Artist Jo Situ Allen ’ s mural — stretching along the wall between Laguna Supply clothing shop and what was then Brass Tack home decor store — was installed in late 2019 on the side of the building at Ocean Avenue and Beach Street . It was commissioned by those shops to celebrate the natural beauty of Laguna Beach , showcasing native plants that “ deserve celebration and protection ,” Allen says . “ I am the author and illustrator of two coffee table coloring books called ‘ The Accidental Naturalist ,’ and the owners of the boutiques approached me for my fresh and unique take on the wilderness ,” says Allen , who also goes by artist name Dirty Eraser . “ The colors represent the beautiful light here — especially the sunsets and sunrisesa . ‘ Daytripper ’ is a wink to the role Laguna has played in the psychedelic movement , as well as a reference to all the tourists that visit for the day .” g