M ention raw fish and most will certainly think you ’ re talking sushi . But as ceviche continues to gain popularity , prepared using a variety of different types of seafood , you ’ ll find that it ’ s all over the menus in Laguna Beach . Though technically not “ uncooked ,” the dish typically uses citrus to cure the fish , which breaks apart the amino acids in the protein without heat and also allows the ingredients to absorb the juice ’ s sweetand-sour essence . Plus , it ’ s nutritious and easy to enjoy on-the-go .
“ It ’ s a health-conscious choice , low in fat and calories yet rich in protein and nutrients — perfect for Laguna ’ s active lifestyle ,” says Omar Gonzalez , executive
chef at South of Nick ’ s .
Unwind while sampling fresh ceviche at these local eateries , all of which offer views of the sparkling ocean , or take your meal to go and eat right on the sand as you soak up the summer sun .
SOUTH OF NICK ’ S Among the lineup of Mexican favorites , from tacos and taquitos to enchiladas , is a hidden gem : the ahi tuna ceviche . Wild-caught tuna is marinated in lime then prepared as ordered with baby heirloom tomatoes , serrano peppers , diced red onion , cucumber , sliced avocado , pickled onion and another squeeze of citrus . Finished with micro cilantro , olive
oil and a sprinkle of French sea salt , the recipe was inspired by the traditional ceviche served in Gonzalez ’ s hometown of Michoacán , Mexico . “ Highlighting local flavors , our ceviche [ also ] provides a taste of the region ,” he says . “… Whether enjoyed at a beachfront restaurant or a picnic by the shore , our vibrant ceviche enhances the relaxed dining experience that Laguna Beach is known for .” ( 949- 715-3717 ; nicksrestaurants . com )
THE DECK ON LAGUNA BEACH The Pacific ceviche at The Deck is a light yet satisfying option to enjoy from the eatery ’ s patio . Listen to the waves crash as you indulge in this vibrant dish ,