Digital_LB122_4.24 | Page 33

2988 S . Coast Hwy , Laguna Beach • ( 949 ) 770-1817 WOOD | CARPET | STONE | GRANITE | TILE
LAGUNA BEACH MAGAZINE : What drew you to the Laguna Canyon Foundation position ? KARIN WYMAN-VARDAMAN : For me , it wasn ’ t just taking … another conservation job . It was very deeply meaningful to me . And the … Laguna Canyon Foundation is really special . The expertise and the passion for the land , the plants and the wildlife , protecting it and restoring it , is so deep . … It ’ s powerful to see the commitment from each and every one of the folks here . Hallie did a great job establishing that culture , and I want to honor that and grow that .
LBM : Any new plans for the foundation ? KWV : One thing I ’ m really excited about is expanding and developing new education programs for students and adults and also expanding the reach of those programs so more people have the opportunity to remain connected to the land . … The idea is that , through exploration , they discover it on their own … [ so ] their learning is much deeper versus just interpretation . So I ’ m really excited
to build those out . And then also , expand it so more — students from Title 1 schools have always been our priority , but we also want to make sure that we include other folks that don ’ t have the opportunity or live in Laguna Beach .
LBM : Are there any challenges the foundation is facing ? KWV : We ’ re always looking at invasive species . One thing we ’ ve found is there ’ s a little bit … of a disconnect in understanding how bad invasive species are . Sometimes people think maybe they ’ re not invasive anymore because they ’ ve been here so long . But invasive species will take over and kill native plant species and ruin endangered wildlife habitats . So those have to be mitigated . … You have to be able to control that in order to protect this unique ecosystem that is not found anywhere else in the world . … In order for endangered species — animals — to survive , they need the plants and the soil and everything else to be in balance , from soil health all the way up to the animals . But invasives
impact all of that and not in a good way . … Believe it or not , one of the things that people love — I did too —[ is wild ] mustard . … I didn ’ t realize how dangerous they are … to the ecosystem .
LBM : Do you have a favorite local trail ? KWV : I love … Aliso and Wood Canyons [ Wilderness Park ], where I spent a lot of my time . Of course , there was nothing on the hills behind it [ when I was a kid ]. The first time I went back , it was a little hard because of looking up at all the houses . But having returned again more recently through this position and still seeing the amount of tracks and scat and pictures of wildlife on the trail cameras , I ’ m like , “ OK , this place is still thriving because of this work .” So it really made me feel good . And then I do love Willow [ Canyon trail ], which is right across from … [ the foundation office ] and then the lakes because of my childhood memories . They ’ re all so unique and different . … I love to hike and I do horseback riding . … There ’ s just something that ’ s good for the soul once you get out there and see the natural beauty . g
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2988 S . Coast Hwy , Laguna Beach • ( 949 ) 770-1817 WOOD | CARPET | STONE | GRANITE | TILE