Digital Journal Sverige Digital Journal | Page 7

Global Education & European Teaching Strategies Upplands- Brogymnasiet (Kungsängen) Upplands-Brogymnasiet policies ❏ Special programmes Students can attend 9 national programmes that are both professional and college oriented. There is an ongoing dynamic process that adapts the programmes to meet the students’ learning requirements. In a way, all students have an individual plan and their learning progress is carefully inspected and supported, although they are extensively examiners. This has been broadly observed in all schools and I believe it is a good practice since the student educational and non-educational needs become the gravity centre in his/her development. Some ready-made placement tests are easily available in order to adjust the levels in newly arrived students. Some students are pulled out from the classroom for one-to-one tutoring and they are able to focus on specific skills or reinforce their learning weaknesses in the “Elevcentrum”. They consider these strategies, ways to cater attention to diversity and inclusion - false inclusion-, when in fact inclusivity involves the full inclusion of all students’ levels and learning paces and their differences are embraced and valued, making each person unique. The National agency for special needs education provides children and teenagers with disabilities with the same opportunities for development and Education. It is a national concern: If you learn together, you can live together. 6