Digital Journal Sverige Digital Journal | Page 5

Global Education & European Teaching Strategies Upplands- Brogymnasiet (Kungsängen) No wonder, this school financial system generates competition among schools. The number of students recruited will affect directly the school economic resources and will definitely determine the quality of the education provided. With the money received, the headmaster/headmistress- the school managing director- takes care of: ➔ Teacher wages (determined by the headmaster/headmistress) ➔ Field trips ➔ Projects ➔ Tuition ➔ Textbooks and other materials ➔ School lunch (free of charge in all education stages) ➔ Health services and counseling ➔ Ongoing school venue improvements ➔ Classroom equipment (a laptop per student) Families are exempt from fees. During our stay, we could observe that the students’ emotional comfort was due in part to the quality of the school venues and spacious precincts. 4